Warm, Cool, or neutral skin tone.

Hi everyone, I just quickly wanted to share something with all of you on skin tones. I have searched for a good explanation on how to determine your skin tone. The problem is, there are not just 2 categories that you can be. It’s more like a spectrum, and you can fall anywhere on that spectrum. So my friend and I could both be cools but not look good in all the same colors. Anyway, I was particularly frustrated because both gold and silver look good on me, and when my skin is a bit darker in the summer my veins look more blue green butin the winter more blue. I guess that would make me a cool, but I still have many things that fall into the warm category. I discovered I was a neutral with a slight lean more to the cool side of the spectrum. This charhelpedme decide that I look better in the cool colors than the warm, even though I look great in browns and golds.



If the colors on the top chart look best on you, you lean more cool on the spectrum. If the colors on the bottom chart look best on you, you lean more warm on the spectrum.